Tales from the Street

Jack Morgan (Research Professor of English and Technical Communication) has just published an article on John McNulty, who wrote forThe New Yorker from the late 1930s to the mid-1950s. Prof. Morgan’s article appears in the Summer 2006 issue of The Recorder: The Journal of the American Irish Historical Society. The article’s title, "He’s Irish and He Broods Easy: John McNulty and the Irish Cohort at The New Yorker," is drawn from one of McNulty’s pieces.
Prof. Morgan’s article continues his scholarship exploring Irish and Irish American literature, history, and culture. Morgan’s 2006 book, Through American and Irish Wars: The Life and Times of General Thomas Sweeney (Irish Academic Press) is a full-length example of this scholarship.
John McNulty has been largely forgotten. A Google search for "John McNulty" shows that there are many John McNultys—lawyers, doctors, businessmen—but produced only a few entries for John McNulty the writer, including this review of This Place on Third Avenue, a collection of his stories published in 2001 by Counterpoint Press.
American popular culture contains many stereotypes of the Irish and Irish Americans. Professor Morgan’s article constitutes an introduction and appreciation of McNulty’s life and writing that directs the reader to the genuine experience.