STC Student Chapter Elects New Officers for 2016

In January, the Missouri S&T student chapter of the Society for Technical Communication (STC) elected new officers for 2016: Amruta Ranade (president), YeonKyung Lee (vice president), and Mariah Thomas (secretary).

Chapter members attended the Region 6 STC conference in Springfield, Missouri, on March 18 and 19 to hear presentations by Thomas Warren, Kirk St. Amant, Sandi Harner, and Steve Gerson.

Retiring officers from 2014-2015 include Michael Slusar (president), Katherine Upchurch (vice president), and Tyler Neff (secretary).

conference photo

YeonKyung Lee, Amruta Ranade, and Mariah Thomas at the conference on March 8

STC Chapter Elects 2013-2014 Officers

The Missouri S&T student chapter of the Society for Technical Communication (STC) met today and elected officers. The officers for 2013-2014 are as follows:

  • President: Raz Kerwin
  • Vice President: Neha Koolwal
  • Secretary: Adrienne Neckermann
  • Treasurer: Kenneth Wampler

The chapter currently has 15 members. It was chartered in 2011-2012 by Melissa Hollingshead-Wampler, Misty Adams, Megan Kean-O’Brien, Ed Malone, Shubhangi Vajpayee, David Young, and David Wright.

In cooperation with the Tech Commies, a related campus organization, the STC chapter is planning to co-sponsor at least three events this semester:  a fundraiser, a fun event, and an educational event.

The Missouri S&T chapter is one of three STC chapters in Missouri. The other two are the student chapter at Missouri State University in Springfield and the professional chapter in Kansas City. The student chapter at Missouri Western and the professional chapter in St. Louis are now defunct.

New Missouri S&T Student Chapter of STC

The Society for Technical Communication (STC) recently approved our petition to create a student chapter of STC at Missouri S&T.

The Missouri S&T chapter hopes to attract members from the former St. Louis chapter of STC as well as students and faculty on the Missouri S&T campus.

The Missouri S&T chapter met for the first time on April 3, 2012, and elected the following officers:

  • Melissa Hollingshead, President
  • Shubhangi Vajpayee, Vice President
  • Megan Kean-O’Brien, Secretary
  • Misty Adams, Treasurer

David Young agreed to be the Chair of the Recruitment Committee.

The group is working on a constitution and bylaws and will soon petition the university for recognition as an official student organization.

For more information about the Missouri S&T Student Chapter of STC, please contact the president, Melissa Hollingshead, or the faculty advisors, Dr. Ed Malone and Dr. David Wright.